Getting Results: Protecting Children

In 1996, Rosalind Prober along with children’s rights lawyer Mark Hecht created  Beyond Borders, an organization which has become Canada’s voice against sexual exploitation of children. They are a part of ECPAT the global entity promoting these issues worldwide.

Beyond Borders has created Cybertip which is Canada’s hotline to report on-line sexual exploitation of children. They have also intervened in numerous court cases with a probono team of lawyers. One great accomplishment is that Beyond Borders has helped raise the legal age of consent in Canada.

Their work has just begun and more people are needed to get involved in this issue. On November 19th, in Winnipeg, Canada, Beyond Borders is hosting  the 8th  Annual Media Awards to honour journalists from across the country for their outstanding coverage of child exploitation. These journalists have what it takes to get these important but difficult stories into the media.

A world wide solution starts with each of us. Get involved wherever you are to end child exploitation around the globe.

Nancy Vardalos Ginakes

Corporate Responsibility At It’s Best

Country’s largest tour operator joining forces with Beyond Borders

Air Transat A.T. Inc., one of the largest integrated tourism companies in the world and Canada’s holiday travel leader, and Beyond Borders (Au-delà des frontières), have signed an agreement and are joining forces to fight child sex tourism.
In the context of the implementation of its action plan for corporate responsibility supporting more sustainable tourism, Transat wants to contribute to the elimination of this global scourge that involves international travellers, notably through awareness raising programs. Beyond Borders will provide expertise and training resources to Transat.
Please go to the Resources page for more info on Beyond Borders, who are advocating for children on a global scale.
Nancy Vardalos Ginakes
Designer,  Safe2Go harness/Backpack for children

Safety Strategies for Children

It’s back to school so be sure your children know the following strategies published by Child Find Canada:

– the  “buddy system” to never go to places  on their own.

-to “check first” with their parents before going anywhere with anyone or accepting gifts.

-to trust their instincts by being assertive if someone tries to impose themselves in ANY way that causes discomfort.

-remind them they are smart and strong and have the right to be safe.

I wish all children a happy, safe return to school.

Nancy Vardalos Ginakes, Safe2Go Harness Backpack